Interested in an At His Feet Small Group?

The At His Feet Small Group seasons consist of 7 sessions. Each session will last about 2.5-3.5 hours per session. 
It is required to commit and attend all of the sessions within a season. 

Please complete the form below to let us know about your interest.

"*" indicates required fields

Is this a cell phone that can receive text messages?*
Date of Birth*
I am interested in attending an upcoming At His Feet Small Group.*
Please choose your location.*
I am ONLY interested in speaking with someone for additional information about the opportunity. Please indicate how you would like to be contacted.*
I understand a small group season will consist of 7 sessions, lasting for 2.5-3 hours each, and I am committed to attending each session. *All sessions must be attended because each session picks up from the previous session.*
Have you asked Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior?*
Do you have your own transportation?*